Over the past few years there has been a steady increase in the use of social media among the baby boomers. They have not surpassed the millennials by any means, but nevertheless the rate at which the boomers are using social media is rising.
A Pew Internet & American Life Project Report shows that 65% of all adult internet users engage in social media. In 2011, baby boomers increased in their usage of social media by 60%! The senior research specialist in the study, Mary Madden, said that “While seniors are testing the waters, many baby boomers are beginning to make the trip to social media part of their daily routine.”
When baby boomers were asked to describe their experience with social media the overwhelming response was “good”. It is safe to say that the positive experiences are far outweighing any negative experiences for this generation.
On the Band Wagon
Many are speculating why baby boomers are jumping on the social media band wagon. In a CBS News Report, Joshua Norman suggests that baby boomers are engaging in social media out of a desire to connect with their kids and grandkids. Facebook has become an ideal place to show Mom and Dad weekend festivities with the kids. Plus, it is a great place to reconnect with old friends from back in the good ol’ days!
In our previous blog we mentioned one of the great upsides to social media is that you can ask any question and in minutes you will receive suggestions and ideas from your Facebook friends. Boomers have also realized this and are taking full advantage of it!
Boomers’ Buying Power
A study done by Hallmark and Nielsen found that baby boomers account for $230 billion dollars in U.S. sales; this amounts to 55% of total sales.
So, statistics are showing that the rate at which baby boomers are using social media is increasing and baby boomers account for over half of all sales per year.
We recommend that if baby boomers are in your target market your interests would be well served by having a presence on social media.