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As digital channels like social media continue to dominate, it’s easy to overlook the older, more mature sibling: the eNewsletter. They’ve been around since the advent of personal email and online shopping, and with the widespread use of Email and continued growth of mobile marketing, the eNewsletter remains an important area of focus.

What Makes an Effective eNewsletter?

Before you create and send an eNewsletter to your clients and leads, it’s important to understand the factors that go into an effective delivery. Here’s three character traits of an effective eNewsletter:

  • Grabs your audience’s attention: To get results from an eNewsletter, you first need your audience to open it, which starts with an attention-grabbing subject line or title.
  • Adds value to your audience: Take time to consider what your audience may be struggling with, questions they may be looking to have answered, and what solutions your company can provide.
  • Is relevant to your business: People have subscribed because they have a specific interest or need that is relevant to a service you provide – be sure to stay on topic with your emails.

Which eNewsletter Platform is Best?

There are numerous platforms that can be used to produce and deliver your eNewsletters to your clients and potential clients. Here at M&R Marketing Group, our 2 favorites are MailChimp and Constant Contact.


MailChimp is one of the most popular eNewsletter platforms for numerous reasons. MailChimp allows you to schedule emails to deliver at specific times, is free until you reach the 2,000 subscriber limit, and it integrates with numerous web services. M&R prefers MailChimp because of the useful design features it provides!

Constant Contact

Constant Contact is another great platform for your eNewsletters. It affords you a free 60-day trial, numerous easy to use templates, and unbeatable customer support.

Here’s 10 Reasons Your Business Needs an eNewsletter

  1. Shares resources or promotions: Because your eNewsletter is sent directly to your clients and leads, it is one of the best ways to share information about your resources or promotions.
  2. Improves retention: Current clients are more likely to engage your services when you find ways to add value on a monthly basis.
  3. Helps convert leads: A strong eNewsletter will help you convert more leads much in the same way that it helps you retain current clients. When you offer value to someone at no cost, they are more likely to pay attention and move further down your sales funnel. Additionally, these platforms allow you to create separate lists for leads, clients, and other categories so that you can send separate eNewsletters to different groups.
  4. Increases your website’s traffic: eNewsletters are a great way to generate traffic to your website. Provide an interesting piece of information to draw someone in, then link that to a more informative webpage or the corresponding product in your store.
  5. Helps you gain more social media followers: If you’re consistently providing useful information and promotions in your eNewsletters, people are more likely to want to follow you on social media. Include links to your social platforms with calls to action that promise more helpful information when they follow you.
  6. Increases referrals: When people are provided with value, such as a great promotion or helpful information, they’re more likely to share this with friends, family, and colleagues.
  7. Keeps you top of mind: Not everyone on your list is going to have a use for your services or products at the moment they receive your eNewsletter. However, a helpful and consistent eNewsletter keeps you in their mind so that when the need does arise, they’ll think of you!
  8. Helps you gather information about users: through your analytics, you can see who opened the email, which links they clicked on, and more. This information can be used to decide when to follow up with someone.
  9. Provides feedback through surveys: whether you use the eNews platform or link to another service like survey monkey, surveys can be extremely helpful in determining what your audience wants to see, learn, or gain from your eNewsletter.
  10. Cost efficient: eNewsletters, particularly when done through the two platforms mentioned above, are relatively inexpensive. The monthly cost is more than made up for by the clients you will keep, gain, and help.

eNewsletters are useful, cost-effective way to promote your business and increase your sales. Once you’ve created a strategy and chosen a platform to run your eNewsletter through, it’s time to start using it! You’ll want to create a sign-up link on your website and promote it on your social media pages. Additionally, you should make sure that your eNewsletter is designed properly so that it looks clean and professional and matches your brand.

Now you’re ready to go!

How can M&R Marketing help?

If you want your eNewsletter to be successful, it needs to be well-thought out, designed, and written. M&R offers brand management services, including eNewsletters, to make your life as easy as possible. Call us today at 478-621-4491 for a free quote!

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