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a drawing of several aspects of search engine optimization is on a wooden table with colored pencils, and paper clips
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What happens if you neglect your yard? The grass and weeds grow taller and taller and, before you know it, you can’t find your house amidst the forest that is your lawn.

Ok, so maybe that’s a slight exaggeration. But in order to keep your yard neat and beautiful, it needs regular watering, cutting, fertilizing, and weed-eating. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is no different: If you want customers to find your website amidst the forest of Google search results, your site needs regular care and maintenance.

There are numerous ways to improve your SEO, but today we’re going to highlight three ways to improve your SEO.

Keywords and Keyphrases

Keywords and keyphrases are the words people use to search for products and services on Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines. If your site contains popular search terms relating to your industry, you’re more likely to rank higher on Google. Don’t overdo it though, because too many keywords can actually harm your SEO, rather than improve your SEO.


Search engines love websites that are frequently updated. Informative, relevant blog posts establish you as a leader in your industry and expand the reach of your brand, all of which influences your search engine ranking. With blog articles, quality and quantity are important and you should have a strategy in lace to ensure each article is relevant to your industry and that you write on a consistent basis.

Social Media

Search engines understand how important social media has become to consumers, which means sites like Google, Yahoo, and Bing look for active social media accounts when determining search engine rankings. Do a quick Google search for your company name and see how many links for your company show up – as you setup more social media accounts, you are creating more links to your company website which will help you improve your SEO (these are called external links).

Can’t Find the Time?

There are several other crucial ways to improve your SEO ranking including sitemap submission, back links, and local listings. These steps increase your credibility and make it easier for search engines to find you. Improving your SEO takes time—no solution moves you to the front page of Google overnight.

We understand that you have a business to run, so of course your attention isn’t always on SEO. Our SEO management services let you focus on the big picture while we focus on the nitty-gritty.

We’re confident you’ll be happy with the results.

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