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Google Maps is part of the highly sought-after marketing club called Local SEO. To recap, Local SEO is the process of optimizing your online presence to rank higher in local search engine results. When you implement Local SEO practices, your company will have a higher likelihood of ranking in the Local Pack, Local Finder, localized organic results, and Google Maps.

Is showing up on Google Maps something you need to spend your time and effort on? Consider these facts:

  • Google Maps is the preferred navigation app for roughly 2 out of 3 consumers.
  • Consumers often find businesses on Google Maps based on discovery searches (i.e., using a keyword or keyword phrase instead of a direct name).
  • Showing up on Google Maps almost always guarantees to be part of the Local Pack results.

Those facts may sound too good to be true, but we promise they’re not. Let us reveal five strategies to rank higher in Google Maps.

1. Add Relevant & Important Information to Your Google My Business Profile

After adding and claiming your business on Google Maps, you must fill in your listing with all relevant information. The more information a business has listed in Google Maps, the higher likelihood that Google will rank that business toward the top of the results. More information equals legitimacy in Google’s algorithm. How should you accomplish this? Log into your Google My Business account and fill out as much information under the – fittingly named – “Info” tab. Here are several sections you should fill out to rank higher in Google Maps:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Hours of operation
  • Business description
  • Business category

One thing that Google will reward you for is consistency. All of the elements listed above should be consistent with other online mentions of your business – Facebook, Yelp, Bing, and others.

2. Upload Photos to Your Google My Business Profile

When you upload photos to your Google My Business profile, it accomplishes several things. First, you’re undoubtedly getting the attention of Google’s photo-recognition technology. Second, it shows that your business has put more effort and time into fulfilling your profile. Third, and most importantly, people are drawn to images!

When you upload images into your profile, they will appear next to your business name and information. Upon clicking on the images, potentially interested parties can see exactly what you do or offer. Keep uploading photos regularly and watch your business climb higher in the ranks.

3. Request Reviews on Your Google My Business Profile

Many people will trust reviews from other people over the words on the company’s website. Reviews show authenticity, transparency, and reflect actual experiences with a company. After completing service with a customer, request a review on your Google My Business profile! The more reviews you receive will help your business rank higher on Google Maps. Remember to respond to ALL reviews, as it shows potential customers that you care about your service to past customers.

4. Post Regularly on Your Google My Business Profile

When you think of social media, the giants like Facebook and Instagram come to mind. But did you know that you can make social posts on your Google My Business profile? Maybe people aren’t checking updates from businesses as a way to relax and unwind, but it does show Google that you are active.

5. Optimize Your Website for Google Maps

So far, everything we’ve covered is checklist items you can do within your Google My Business profile. However, there are several ways you can ensure your website is helping you rank higher within Google Maps. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Is my website responsive? “Mobile-friendly” doesn’t cut it anymore.
  • Does my website have keywords and keyword phrases naturally placed throughout?
  • Does my website have Google Maps embedded on at least one page (i.e., contact us page)?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, changes must be made. (We can help!)

M&R Marketing Can Implement Marketing Tactics to Help Your Business Thrive!

Does Local SEO and everything it entails confuse or overwhelm you? We don’t want it to. Allow us to take this important task off your plate, so you can focus on running your business. We will put our time and energy into getting your business in front of your target audience! Are you interested in learning more? Call one of our account managers today: 478-621-4491

Check out our four-part series on Local SEO, Google My Business, and the like:

  1. What is Local SEO? Your Guide to Local SEO, Listings, and More
  2. Simple Ways to Improve Your Local SEO
  3. Popular Google SERP Features Explained
  4. Strategies to Rank Higher in Google Maps